Thursday, February 26, 2009

What's For Supper?

Hey Grandpa, What's For Supper? was one of the joke lines for the Hee-Haw TV show back in the 70s. If you missed it then, you can watch reruns now on cable's RFDTV. In the joke, Grandpa Jones would rattle off a litany of foodstuffs that were considered southern delicacies to some and gawd-awful to others.

I don't know if it's a Mardi Gras thing or just the beginning of a change in eating habits but a recent perusal of our local newspaper's church dinner ads got me thinking about it. And, a recent dialog on the Pulitzer-Prized Bit's & Pieces Blog between Boodro, Nancy, Michael C., Mark A., John and myself last night must have made me hungry enough to find something to compliment Boo's Fried Nutria.

So I am inviting my family and friends at B & P to join me Saturday for a Chicken and Pigs Feet marathon. Be sure to RSVP so I know how many feet to order.


Darkgarden said...

I'm'a come over and drink whiskey and watch you knuckleheads eat them feet.

Dirtman said...

Actually, we have a dog match on Saturday so the feet will be in your name. Be there by 1 pm so they don't have to wait.

Darkgarden said...

Yup... way to go there chuckie... You go and set stuff up, invite people to the event.. then say, "You go and have a good time!"


Gwynne said...

Now see, I didn't realize you and my husband were talkin...he just cooked up that big batch of pigs' feet over here, at our house. The sauce was good.

Dirtman said...

Thanks for reading my blog. I really appreciate that you came over from SisIggy's to see what we have to offer.

Glad your husband cooked up a mess of them pigs feet. I personally can't stand them but wrote about them because of Bits and Pieces board and that my culinary brother in law would get a kick out of it.

After your last comment we stayed home Saturday waiting for you to show up. Still don't see ya so guess you wasn't serious as I thought.

Darkgarden said...

LOL.. If I'd a known that I would have called you guys to come over for salmon cakes. Went to call, then remembered you were dogging somewhere.

Gwynne said...

Oh, I can't stand pig's feet either. My husband was horribly insulted that I ate my way all the way around them. Or "it" as it were. I traded my one pig's foot for all of his potatoes, just like in the elementary school cafeteria. Please don't be talkin to him about oppossum now. Or nutria either. Cuz he'll do it. ;-)

Oh, I had to come over after the obit story. And aside from finding Darkgarden over here, it seems like a nice place to visit. ;-)

Darkgarden said...

... heh ...