Monday, March 9, 2009

What A Weekend!

Temps hit in the high 70s both Saturday and Sunday which meant I had to dig out my shorts from winter storage.

I know, the weather won't last but I just had to do it, if for no other reason than to pick on John (not no name) from Wisconsin, who was enjoying another snowy weekend.

We decided another BBQ was in order and we took out frozen Cornish Game Hens we got on a super deal last month. After thawing, I fired up the rotisserie on the grill, skewered the hens and sat back and watched the birds slowly turn on the spit.

Ninety minutes later the hens were done and we were ready to eat.

Taking a cue from Kevin Weeks, we knew plating was as important as the quality of the food. Fortunately, Heir II's stash from his restaurant gig Sunday included a green bean and carrot medley that meshed nicely with the Jadite plates and coloring of the birds.

Sis made homemade dinner rolls that added to the color and the meal was a success.

The Recipe:

1 1/2 cups White Vinegar
1/2 cup EVOO
1/8 cup Tabasco Sauce
1/4 cup Sea Salt
1/16 cup Freshly-Ground Black Pepper
1/4 cup Basil, fresh chopped
1/8 cup Garlic Salt fresh garlic would be better, diced)
1/8 cup Sage
1/8 cup Thyme

Stir all ingredients until salt has dispersed throughout the solution. Stir while basting. Basting should be done after meat reaches 130 degrees internal temperature, about 10 minutes before removing from rotisserie.

Rest meat 10 minutes before serving.

Bon Appetite!

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