Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Yesterday Is One To Remember -- NOT.

We had snow. Not a lot. Not even a little. But enough to cancel school, which left Heir II home for a day to spend quality time with the family. II slept in, getting up around 11:30 more than six hours after his mother and me.

Heir I got up around the same time, early (hell, a lot earlier) by his standard, which meant chaos for the bathroom.

I had gotten a little work done in the morning hours and the dogs were all taken care of. SisIggy had washed the kitchen floor just as II came out from his bedroom and I, from the cellar he calls home.

Don't you dare come into the kitchen, Sis said just as the basement door opened and Heir I appeared.

What do you mean I can not come upstairs? Heir I asked.

It went downhill from there as the testosterone consumed the house. The Heirs got into it at that point and even I got into the act. Heir I stole my peanut butter and jelly sandwich at one point throwing the bread into the air and onto the carpet where Hokie sniffed and turned away like a trained dog is supposed to do.

The Heirs made up later in the day, just in time for Caisee to arrive for a delicious dinner, including desert, that Sis prepared. I even got back at Heir I, stealing his homemade lemonade as we sat down to dinner.

Then, as we prepared for sleep, we found one of our old and beloved cats was finally succumbing to her cancer. She has lost control of her bladder and Sis ended up on the couch and me, in my chair for the night.

Fluffy and I will visit the vet later today and I unfortunately already, know the results. But she will be better off and we will too for the love and devotion she has given us for the past decade and more.

Yes, school's back in session today and Heir I is still in the dungeon as I type this. The testosterone has lowered to bearable levels as we trudge through another day.

NOTE: Heir II went with me to the vet and he confirmed what we already knew. Fluffy had cancer and it had spread throughout her body. We stayed as he put her to sleep, then left to go to my parents to help on a project.


jagosaurus said...

I'm so sorry about Fluffy.

Dirtman said...

Thanks Jag. Sis and Heir I are taking it a little hard. I'm a Darwinian so I see that she is feeling better this evening than when she was suffering this afternoon.

Gwynne said...

I'm sorry to hear about Fluffy too, but good to know she is no longer suffering. You did the right thing. Give Sisiggy a hug for me.

Dirtman said...


I did what you said and got the strangest look from SisIggy until I told her why I hugged her before our morning coffee.

Thanks for your concern.