Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Earth Day, 2009

If you didn't already know it, today is Earth Day. As an environmental steward (not to be confused with one of those hatred [or hated] environmentalists), I look forward to this day every year.

And my small part this year was to spruce up our yard.

I cultivated and planted a herb garden for SisIggy. If it turns out, we'll have fresh parsley, basil, oregano and mint.

I also prepared the gnome garden for some type of annual we'll plant this weekend and a pot for Sis to plant a Rosemary tree.

Last but not least, I moved our Adirondack chairs from the patio to a nice grassy spot overlooking the bird bath and
rigged up a hummingbird station
that's nestled among the peonies.

It even looks like we'll have sunflowers growing around our feeding station since volunteers are growing taller every day.

All in all, Earth Day 2009 wasn't a bad day afterall.


Sisiggy said...

Okay, we've got to do something about the chairs overlooking the garbage cans...

Darkgarden said...

For Earth-Day I took a poo out back, then raked it into my neighbor's tomato plants.

Dirtman said...

Poo works for me. I piss outside at least two times a day, sometimes more. Why, you ask (well, maybe you didn't but I know you want to know).

To conserve water. Our toilet flushes 6 gallons each time and when we have to pay for the water in the cistern, I just can't see flushing it away. I'd rather use it for more practical things like washing my hands, washing dishes, watering the dogs...

Darkgarden said...

Over here in WV, we just let the toilets drain out into the garden. We don't wash our hands or dishes n' such.