Friday, May 15, 2009

Topper Get Down - Again

It's been a standing joke around here for some time that our male Beta Dog Topper (Red-Tri Australian Shepherd) likes to jump up on anything living or dead to show how much he loves us.

SisIg coined the phrase and our friends, Trasherati and Jagosaurus, mentions it often.

So I wasn't really surprised this morning when he jumped up on our patio table to drink out of a water bowl I had left there when I mowed yesterday. We had rain last night and the bowl was full just for him.

It's obvious he's a connoisseur of natural water and prefers that over well water. But since he's not paying the bill, he'll have to make due with what's provided (even if it's not as we intended).

I guess he won't be using the commode for his drinking pleasures.


jagosaurus said...

Get down from there, TopperGetDown!

Sisiggy said...

I think he's trying to look in the bathroom window, the creep.

The Seashore Pond Crew said...

Get outta their backyard Billy Zane!!!